The Third Option

This is going to be quick. Because it is true. And therefore simple. And then of course, beautiful. Of the type of higher realm beauty that is seen with the Eye of the Heart. This truth is universal but only accessible by the mind that is ready to move beyond ordinary thinking and open up to divine intelligence.

There it is. Expressed it in a variety of ways, all meaning the same thing:

There is This or That. And there is This-And-That.

There is Duality, and there is Trinity.

There is Male and Female, and there is Wholeness.

There is Father and Mother, and there is The Child.

There is Right and Wrong, and there is Truth.

There is Oppositional Polarity and there is Unity.

There is Thesis and Antithesis, and there is Synthesis.

There is the Father and the Son, and there is the Holy Spirit.

There is You and Me and there is We.

There is Human or Divine, and there is The New Human. 

There is Head or Heart, and there is Living from the Heart.


That’s it. I am simply stating a fact. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

This Truth of The Third exists right now on 5D Earth.

Where minds are no longer at war but come together to birth soulutions.

Where Head and Heart are no longer in oppositional conflict but work together, the Head having realized the wise intelligence of the Heart and the Heart lovingly guiding the Head into doing what it does so marvelously well: think things through.

Many on Earth are living this truth today. Many more are accessing it everyday. Many many more will join in very soon, and begin living from their Heart, beyond the illusion of duality.

I call this way of living, Heart Magick, and I call forth those who know themselves as architect of the New Earth, constructing the new paradigm with their higher, heart-powered thinking. Together we form the Heart Magick Tribe. Together, as One, hearts forward, we are creating a brand new reality, grounded in Unity. And in Love, Joy, Creativity, Health, Abundance, and above all, in Peace.

The simple intention of inviting in the energy of The Third opens up a passageway for Grace/Love/Divine/Magick to come through, that Force that helps us rise above our conflicted humanity and resolve seemingly impossible issues by accessing the frequency of Miracles.

My son, now thirteen, used to say when he was about 5 and learning about geometry, that the Triangle is the strongest shape, because each side both leans upon and supports the other two. He would also call our family unit, The Trio Tribe. He would share memories of being an angel flying over the Egyptian pyramids. In the innocence of his early time on earth, still very connected to the realm he had come from, he was able to clearly see and expressed divine truth.

We are all tethered to the realm of the soul, and as we cultivate our relationship with our Heart and practice the art of presence, we embody our unique truth and bring forth a new energy into the world.

My greatest joy these days is to connect with those who make this way of living their focus. Thank you reading this, and for being a part of the Heart Magick Tribe. For shining your bright light. For daring to Be, no longer this or that, but All of You. Here and Now.