Energy And The Natural Beauty of Sacred Geometry

This is Part 2 of my reporting on my recent trip to the Santa Cruz Area. You can read about my spiritual adventure at a Buddhist retreat center in Part One.

Sacred Geometry has been a life-long passion of mine. My interest for what I call the Divine Design was ignited around age 10 when my aunt Roberte, a scientific researcher for the French government, created a set of custom slides for me to observe with my new microscope. The world I discovered under the enlarging lens fascinated me and I spent hours watching micro-organisms move around. The variety of shapes those amoeba, paramecia, bacteria and plant cells embodied opened up my mind to the inner workings of Life, while looking at the small intricacies of the natural world offered me a deep understanding of the inter-connectedness of all living beings.

The awareness of the Sacred Architecture of nature allows us to perceive the spiritual dimension of our physical reality. When one dives deeper into the subject and learns that there are mathematical formulas that underly all of Creation, a sense of awe and wonder takes over. In my case, this translated into an exploration that, beyond seeking to merely satisfy my curiosity, nourished my heart and provided an abundant source of creative inspiration. Sacred Geometry is truly the foundation for the visual language of all the art I generate and the reason behind my love of patterns.

Every time I find myself immersed in the natural world, I am once again the innocent child of my youth, mesmerized by the magical manifestation of the cosmic blueprint. Using the photo lens of my iPhone as a portal into the microcosmic dimension, I enter a realm where I seem to access answers to my existential ponderings, and where the beauty of the mineral and animal worlds emanates an energy that is evidence of a Divine Order. A space beyond time that I never tire of visiting, always discovering, out there, new aspects of my inner being.


A Brief Overview Of Some Sacred Geometry Shapes

Spheres and Explosions

To the Ancient Greeks, the circle and the sphere were perfect symbols of the Divine, their never ending loop representing Oneness. These shapes radiate from a center point and are very efficient as they present the least surface area for the most volume, while uniformly distributing energy. In an explosive pattern, the radiating lines provide the shortest possible flow path away from the core. A soap bubble, the petals of a flower, the tentacles of a sea anemone, stars, the cross section of a kiwi fruit, you can now observe them with new eyes.

Branching and Network

These patterns often form where fluid flows from a central point to cover a large area, or vice-versa, while moving along the shortest possible distance: trees and branches, stems and leaves and veins, river systems flowing from rain drops to streams ending in oceans, blood flow in and arteries… Distributing liquids and energy through matter or over the surface of the earth, to deliver them where needed, without deperdition in the process, this is natural intelligence at its finest.

Flowers and Spirals

Some flowers grow in the pattern of a spiral. This can be seen in the design of a blossom or the coiling of several blossoms along a common stem. A spider’s web, an agave plant, roses, the shell of a snail or the helix of a nautilus. These all reflect the process of organic growth through repetition. Spirals are also commonly observed in tendrils, horns, pineapples or the heart of a sunflower. This arrangement is nature’s way of filling space most efficiently. The magick becomes obvious when you learn that this natural pattern can always be reduced to a series of numbers called the Fibonacci Series (named after Leonardo Bonacci, "the most talented Western mathematician of the Middle Ages"). In this sequence, each number is equal to the sum of the preceding two numbers: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, etc.

The Animal Kingdom

The patterns on the fur of a fawn, the bark of a tree, a mosquito hitching a ride on the back of a banana slug, everything alive is connected to everything else. It is all made up of an invisible energy and the fractals that compose the physical world- a system that can elicit deep admiration for its perfect mastery. All manmade creations that demonstrate harmony of form and beauty of proportions are built according to natural principles of geometry, such as the Golden Section, which can be detected in the architecture of holy buildings like cathedrals.

Flow of Energy - Decay, Shadow, Reflection

You couldn’t pull a thread of the tapestry of Life without unraveling the whole divine masterpiece. The hermetic principle of As Above So Below, when applied to the observation of natural occurrences, validates this idea. The infinitesimal world is a refection the interplay of universes. The cycles of Life and Death never cease their momentum as decay constantly transforms all living matter from one state of being into the other. Noticing Light and Shadow in nature brings one back to the self and the way our own darkness is revealed by the illumination of consciousness. Stillness of the mind allows us to pay attention to what truly is, and become able to discern material illusion from reality of spirit. Nature is a generous mirror for self-enquiry, and a continual source of wisdom.

Magnetic Field and Aura

All that is alive emanates a field of energy that is another form of expression of the Divine Design. The human body generates, and is surrounded by, an aura of light that can be “read” to evaluate the quality of the life force flowing through the person. The inside of an apple or a pumpkin cut in half reveals the pattern of a torus, which is the shape of the human magnetic field.

The human heart has its own version of such a force field, with the power to attract others who radiate the same frequency. Spending time in the presence of majestic beings such as redwoods helps us attune to the peace of our own heart. Energy always travels from high to low, a principle called entrainment. While in the company of high vibrational living beings, we are positively affected by their magnetic field.

Seeking to purify our own energy by forest bathing, diving into ocean waves, sitting in quiet meditation and feeding our body pure food and water- all these choices have wonderful effect on our health. And they also support us in clearing the channel of communication between our spiritual and physical selves, allowing us to receive clear guidance, elevate our light quotient and literally en-light-en us.

Sacred Geometry is not only evident in the physical world, but also in music and its harmonic scales and octaves. To the curious explorer of Creation, magical revelations are ongoing, as the vibrations of the Original Sound reverberate across universes, rippling out from heart to heart, infinitely. A true delight of never ending inspiration for the creative seeker, as Leonardo Da Vinci so prolifically demonstrated!

I hope this exposé, although non extensive, has opened you up to the magick that lies just below our mundane level of attention. If you enjoyed the subject of Sacred Geometry, take a look at this slide show. Created from photos taken during a workshop I taught about printing patterns on textiles using found objects, it showcases a brief presentation on Sacred Geometry. I also discussed here the triangle shape and its power to help us make conscious choices. And make sure to read Part One of this article and visit the beautiful land that inspired this writing!

How To Make A Decision While In A Gemini Duality Mindset

Gemini is characterized by duality. It is the astrological sign that represents the polarity of our being, whether in mind, with our left and right brain hemispheres or in body, with our two arms and two lungs. It definitely shows up in our mindset as well, when a decision entails choosing between what appears to be the two sides of a coin constantly being flipped in our head. This is a particular challenge for people who have a strong Gemini component in their chart, such as a Gemini sun, or like me, with both my Moon and Venus in Gemini.

This dichotomy is particularly true while we are in Gemini season like now, when the sun, in the sky, is traveling through the constellation of The Twins; we are all experiencing this energy and the difficulty to make up our mind as we are being blessed with the ability to see both sides of an issue…

Looking beyond the astrology, it is really a fact of our human nature that we are beset with the blessing (or curse) of having the capacity to choose, endowed as we are with the gift of free will. When faced with a problem and decision process rooted in duality, the key is to avoid getting mired in one option or the other, endlessly evaluating the two—though our mind loves looping around issues in that way, never reaching a satisfactory level of clarity.

The solution to such a dilemma resides in cultivating the faculty of rising above and accessing the ‘third option’, the meeting point of the polarities, the place where the two sides of the coin find a common ground. In matters of personal conflict, this is the energetic spot where ‘me’ and ‘you’ can connect and discover the highest good that serves the both (and all) of us...

What's wonderful about this practice is that, while grounded in spiritual awareness, it is also very practical. Here’s a personal example of how I used it today to find the solution to a small quandary I was facing: I was at the shore, and after a beautiful walk, was feeling indecisive because I wanted to sit in my car parked next to the beach and enjoy my book in the sunshine. However, there was a lawnmower being operated on an expansive swathe of grass across the street, and that sound was disruptive to my peace of mind. My perception was that my options were to either stay and be annoyed by the noise, or go home, which I didn’t want to do. I witnessed my mind toggling back and forth, and was getting a little anxious because neither option seemed to be what my heart desired.

Fortunately, I remembered in that moment to interrupt my thinking and take a breath. Doing this pulled me out of my mental looping and immediately connected me with my heart. Having now just breathed some space into my own head, I was able to consciously float up to access the point, where beyond the duality of my mental struggle, the solution existed… And all of a sudden, it actually did appear: I could simply move my car to another spot along the beach where there was no noise. Boom! And so I drove a few hundred yards, and sure enough the perfect spot was there waiting for me, right next to the ocean, quiet, with plenty of sunshine.

After getting settled into my newfound serenity, I decided to write about this experience right away, to anchor the memory of it. I find that I often have this experience these days while we are in Gemini season, when I get to observe my mind as it keeps going back and forth between number 1 and number 2, and A and B, and this and that, and me and them... Always seeing the two alternatives and searching for the win within the context of a win/lose paradigm.

However, the solution is always of a win-win nature. It is found by rising above, and into the realm of the Heart. It is accessed through our willingness to let go of what the mind relentlessly chews on, abandoning all assumptions while opening up to perceiving in a new way. We are then operating on a more elevated frequency and able to receive the highest answer to the challenge we’re facing.

Expanding our consciousness as we spiral up in understanding, escaping our mind’s revolving self-feeding tendencies, we now enter the unified space beyond separation, where our beingness is whole and our wisdom readily accessible.

In hope that this is useful to you in resolving big and small dilemmas!