Heart Royality™ Talismans


Heart Royality™ Talismans


Custom Wearable Art

These power pieces are energetic tools to help you remember that your Heart is your connection to Source Energy. Made with a variety of natural materials such as African beads, Mexican charms, crystals or tropical seeds.

When you need clarity, guidance for an important decision or conversation, or support in meditation, the talisman serves as a bridge from your Spiritual Self to your Human Self. They are imprinted with the frequency of your Heart: your compass/radar/night light/Joy detector.

You choose the personal intention you want it to be infused with.
It is then amplified to the Galactic Heart frequency, and boosted by the energy of the Highest Good.

A Heart Royality™ talisman is a power piece offering the highest vibrational gift. View some talismans.

You can purchase a talismans for yourself or as a gift in the Yoga Soup retail store: 28 Parker Way in Santa Barbara, CA.

Prices vary.

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