Once you discover your Human Design, you will become curious to know the design of the people around you!

A Harmony Chart Reading combines the energies of two or more people’s charts to reveal the Majik they bring into each other’s lives, the synergy of their unique connection, and the amazing potential that can only be realized through it. You will discover the gifts it offers, as well as the challenges and how to overcome them.


I offer Harmony Chart Readings for couples, families, business partners and work teams. You will discover the actual energies at play, the reason why you were brought together, and how to effectively co-create, in your personal and professional life. Parents discover their children through the eye of their true essence, partners understand the impersonal mechanics and step beyond the “story” in their mind, teams access new possibilities for growing a project or business into success.

A Harmony Chart Reading fosters appreciation of the other(s)’ gifts and difference and supports communication and growth within groups of people. Getting to know those you spend the most time with through the clear lens of their Human Design not only creates more ease in your life, it is also a wonderful way to contribute to more peace on our planet!


The Harmony Chart Reading is an hour-long presentation based on my research and analysis of the individuals' Human Design charts. A hand drawn chart of the combined energies will visually demonstrate the synergistic energetic circuitry, with the mechanics and dynamics of the relationship/partnership/team. You will also receive recommendations to optimize interpersonal communication as well as product/service co-creation. Each person will get a copy of their personal Human Design chart, as well as of the Harmony Chart.


➸ ➸ ➸ Harmony Chart Reading for 2-3 individuals: couple (+child), business partners or small team: $499

➸ ➸ ➸ Harmony Chart Reading for 4-6 individuals: family or medium-size team: $755

➸ ➸ ➸ For a free 15mn discovery call about setting up a Harmony Chart Reading, please contact me. I look forwarded to bringing more Majik into all your relationships!