How To Make A Decision While In A Gemini Duality Mindset
/Gemini is characterized by duality. It is the astrological sign that represents the polarity of our being, whether in mind, with our left and right brain hemispheres or in body, with our two arms and two lungs. It definitely shows up in our mindset as well, when a decision entails choosing between what appears to be the two sides of a coin constantly being flipped in our head. This is a particular challenge for people who have a strong Gemini component in their chart, such as a Gemini sun, or like me, with both my Moon and Venus in Gemini.
This dichotomy is particularly true while we are in Gemini season like now, when the sun, in the sky, is traveling through the constellation of The Twins; we are all experiencing this energy and the difficulty to make up our mind as we are being blessed with the ability to see both sides of an issue…
Looking beyond the astrology, it is really a fact of our human nature that we are beset with the blessing (or curse) of having the capacity to choose, endowed as we are with the gift of free will. When faced with a problem and decision process rooted in duality, the key is to avoid getting mired in one option or the other, endlessly evaluating the two—though our mind loves looping around issues in that way, never reaching a satisfactory level of clarity.
The solution to such a dilemma resides in cultivating the faculty of rising above and accessing the ‘third option’, the meeting point of the polarities, the place where the two sides of the coin find a common ground. In matters of personal conflict, this is the energetic spot where ‘me’ and ‘you’ can connect and discover the highest good that serves the both (and all) of us...
What's wonderful about this practice is that, while grounded in spiritual awareness, it is also very practical. Here’s a personal example of how I used it today to find the solution to a small quandary I was facing: I was at the shore, and after a beautiful walk, was feeling indecisive because I wanted to sit in my car parked next to the beach and enjoy my book in the sunshine. However, there was a lawnmower being operated on an expansive swathe of grass across the street, and that sound was disruptive to my peace of mind. My perception was that my options were to either stay and be annoyed by the noise, or go home, which I didn’t want to do. I witnessed my mind toggling back and forth, and was getting a little anxious because neither option seemed to be what my heart desired.
Fortunately, I remembered in that moment to interrupt my thinking and take a breath. Doing this pulled me out of my mental looping and immediately connected me with my heart. Having now just breathed some space into my own head, I was able to consciously float up to access the point, where beyond the duality of my mental struggle, the solution existed… And all of a sudden, it actually did appear: I could simply move my car to another spot along the beach where there was no noise. Boom! And so I drove a few hundred yards, and sure enough the perfect spot was there waiting for me, right next to the ocean, quiet, with plenty of sunshine.
After getting settled into my newfound serenity, I decided to write about this experience right away, to anchor the memory of it. I find that I often have this experience these days while we are in Gemini season, when I get to observe my mind as it keeps going back and forth between number 1 and number 2, and A and B, and this and that, and me and them... Always seeing the two alternatives and searching for the win within the context of a win/lose paradigm.
However, the solution is always of a win-win nature. It is found by rising above, and into the realm of the Heart. It is accessed through our willingness to let go of what the mind relentlessly chews on, abandoning all assumptions while opening up to perceiving in a new way. We are then operating on a more elevated frequency and able to receive the highest answer to the challenge we’re facing.
Expanding our consciousness as we spiral up in understanding, escaping our mind’s revolving self-feeding tendencies, we now enter the unified space beyond separation, where our beingness is whole and our wisdom readily accessible.
In hope that this is useful to you in resolving big and small dilemmas!